Our Smart Meters allow DSOs to:
- effectively manage electricity demand through real-time data monitoring, enabling grid reliability;
- increase customer awareness on energy consumption, allowing more sustainable habits.
This is why we work on developing future proof, cutting edge solutions, customized according to specific customer needs.
Our smart meters are compliant to international protocols and standards that allow us to be flexible in responding to both regulatory and technologic requirements.

2nd Generation Meters
A wide range of solutions aimed to digitalize readings of electricity consumption, providing benefits on billing and operations.
These devices are not simply designed to “measure” electricity supply and consumption data: they also act as evolved sensors that provide valuable information regarding the operation and status of the network, thereby increasing the quality, reliability and resiliency of the grid.
Technology standards are changing rapidly and the today market is highly fragmented. Moreover, not all technologies perform properly under different circumstances. Keeping pace with the evolving technology is a challenge to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
Thanks to its in-field modularity with different communication protocols (G3 Hybrid – PLC + RF Mesh, Cellular LTE and NBIoT) and the compliance with the DLMS international standard, the Globy enables the exchange or adoption of several communications technologies depending on the customer needs and location.
It allows DSOs to change communication technology over the time being fully interoperable with existing implementations and enabling scalability for massive roll-outs.
Globy recognized protocols assure the best possible reachability and availability in urban and rural environments. In fact, G3-Hybrid is a technology adaptative to the interference level while Cellular technologies can work in most of the territory creating a flexible solution.”
Our tools for operational excellence are designed to improve the AMI management.
They are ready to perform all sets of installation, management and troubleshooting operations required by any DSO.