Privacy Policy

Gridspertise protects personal data as part of its business. Information on the processing of personal data can be collected and processed in different occasions and contexts by Gridspertise in its quality of data Controller. Please select the privacy notice you are interested in, choosing among the sections below.

Privacy Website


This website collects the navigation data and the data provided directly by the users.

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Clients Privacy


Gridspertise operates in a “Business to Business” context and doesn’t directly process data of final customers. We protect the privacy of the persons who represent our business clients, and those of their employees and collaborators with whom we come into contact. Likewise, we protect as Data Processors the data which our DSO clients entrust us in the context of the services provides. For more information on the last point, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Read the privacy policy
Digital Channels Privacy

Digital Channels

Gridspertise is present on the web trough different digital channels, where users’ data may be collected and processed.

Read the privacy policy


Gridspertise organizes or participates to events where contact data of the participants are processed for Business purposes.

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