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Globy enables the exchange or adoption of several communications technologies depending on the customer needs and location, allowing DSOs to be fully interoperable with existing implementations and enabling scalability for massive roll-outs.

This occurs thanks to its in-field modularity with multiple communication protocols:

  • G3 Hybrid (PLC + RF mesh)
  • Cellular NB-IOT
  • Cellular LTE.

It is also compliant to DLMS-UA globally accepted standard certification.


The Core of the AMI

  • Bi-directional energy measurement enabling all energy supply services for end customers, prosumers and producers;
  • Huge storage capacity for load profiles, daily closures, measurands and even more;
  • Home automation and active DER support, enabling innovative models such as peak shaving, multi-tariff and pre-payment programs, real-time customer feedbacks;
  • DERs and EVs automatic management based on real consumption prices, charge and production status.

System & Analytics

  • Load Profile Management, thanks to high data granularity and increased acquisition rates;
  • Power Quality measurement leveraging meters as grid sensors, allows for the collection of several data sets related to the status of LV networks, such as interruptions and variations;
  • Fully integrated into the Gridspertise Suite, a Platform as a Service designed for DSOs to simplify operations and services and to increase the efficiency of the whole process.

Safety & Sustainability

  • Innovative cyber-security standards;
  • Permanent overvoltage Protection, protecting customer’s installation from damages;
  • Revenue & Fraud Detection, to identify fraud attempts and send them to the central system in order to activate countermeasures;
  • Manufactured with recycled material, reducing CO2 emissions and significant savings on the purchase of raw materials;
  • Increased awareness in energy consumption and efficient as well as sustainable behaviors.

Commercial Material

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