Our Governance

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The system of controls operating within Gridspertise includes a set of instruments aimed at ensuring compliance with laws, regulations, bylaws, and internal procedures.

External audit

The external audit of the financial statements is entrusted to a specialized audit firm, which is appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting. The external audit of Gridspertise's financial statements is entrusted to KPMG S.p.A. The assignment was awarded to the firm by the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of November 12, 2021, for the fiscal years from 2021 until 2023.

The internal control and risk management system

The Internal Control and Risk Management System (also known as “SCIGR” for “Sistema di controllo interno e di gestione dei rischi”) consists of the set of rules, procedures, and organizational entities aimed at allowing the main corporate risks within the Company to be identified, measured, managed, and monitored.

The SCIGR, in particular, helps to ensure the safeguarding of assets, the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, the reliability of financial reporting, and compliance with laws and regulations, bylaws and internal procedures.

Therefore, the SCIGR plays a central role in the organization. It contributes to the adoption of decisions consistent with the risk appetite, as well as the spread of a correct understanding of risks, laws, and corporate values. In particular, the following subjects are involved in the SCIGR: the Board of Director, the CEO, the Board of Statutory Auditors, the Supervisory Board and the Employees.

Gridspertise Code of Ethics expresses the commitments and ethical responsibilities in the conduct of business and corporate activities assumed by the people of Gridspertise, whether they are directors, employees and collaborators in every sense of these legal entities.

Gridspertise aims to create sustainable and shared value with all its internal and external stakeholders, innovating and pursuing excellence along the entire value chain of the sectors in which it operates. 

All in line with its Vision: "Improve the experience of users of the electricity network through solutions for the digitization of sustainable and cutting-edge distribution networks", in line with the company’s values of reliability, flexibility, sustainability, dynamism, being customer and solution oriented, and respecting its Mission to achieve a new era of sustainable and reliable smart networks. 

Code of Ethics.pdf

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Gridspertise Human Rights Policy expresses the commitments and responsibilities towards all Human Rights, and especially those applicable to the conduct of business and corporate activities, undertaken by the people of Gridspertise S.r.l. and its subsidiaries, whether they are directors or employees in any sense of said companies. 

Gridspertise promotes both respect for all Human Rights in its business relationships, and adherence to the same Human Rights standards by contractors, suppliers and business partners, paying particular attention to high-risk or conflict-affected contexts.

Human Rights Policy.pdf

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The Gridspertise Model, adopted for the first time through the Decision of the Sole Director dated July 7, 2021, is made up of a “General Part” and single “Special Parts” regarding the different kinds of crimes and administrative infractions that must be prevented. 

Any breach or suspected non-compliance of Model 231/01 and/or any other pertinent information concerning its implementation should be pointed out to the Supervisory Body. Please refer to the Whistleblowing section above for contact options.

Gridspertise is committed to complying with its own Code of Ethics and is inspired by the principles of the Global Compact.

For this reason, it asks its staff for honesty, transparency and precision in the performance of work activities. The same commitments are required of all other stakeholders, i.e. individuals, groups and institutions that contribute to the achievement of its mission or that are involved in the activities for its pursuit.

In compliance with the tenth principle of the Global Compact, according to which “companies are committed to fighting corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”, Gridspertise intends to pursue its commitment to fight corruption, inspired by the principles of the PACI that provides for the application of the transparency criteria recommended by Transparency International.  In this sense, Gridspertise also endorsed the 10 principles of the Global Compact in the annual COP at the United Nations. This commitment, which integrates the “231 Organizational Model”, is translated into the following general principles:

• Gridspertise rejects corruption in all its direct and indirect forms;

• Gridspertise implements an anti-corruption program called the "Zero Tolerance to Corruption" Plan (ZTC Plan).

Zero Tolerance of Corruption Plan.pdf

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On July 29, 2021 Enel Group adopted the Policy no. 1151, which specifies the procedures aimed at preventing Enel and its Employees, including those of Gridspertise, from engaging in business relationships/transactions prohibited under Sanctions Laws with any Sanctioned Person.

Sanctions refer to measures taken by the United Nations Security Council, the United States government, the EU and others to apply pressure on a government, entity, or person to comply with the objectives set by these sanctioning authorities without resorting to the use of force. Typically, Sanctions are adopted in response to violations of national or international law, standards or policy, such as engaging in wars, supporting terrorism, violating human rights etc.

Gridspertise, in line with international best practices and in compliance with applicable regulations, has adopted a process for the management of reports (so-called whistleblowing) able to contribute to the prevention of illegal activities, irregularities, or conduct that violates national or European Union laws, or that is detrimental to the public interest or the integrity of the Group, as well as violations of the Code of Ethics, the Organization and Management Model former Legislative Decree no. 231/2001 and the system of rules and procedures in force, guaranteeing the protection of the identity of the whistleblower, the persons involved and/or in any case mentioned in the report and the confidentiality of the contents of the report itself.

In order to ensure broad and indiscriminate access to all those who wish to make a report concerning facts (of any nature, even merely omissions), which have already happened or which are very likely to occur, referable to Gridspertise, a plurality of alternative channels is available, specifically:

  • An online platform accessible by clicking on this link, the system allows for the submission of reports through a guided online process without the obligation to register or disclose personal information;

  • Email, writing at: OdVGridspertise@gridspertise.com;

  • Postal mail, writing to the Supervisory Board at: Organismo di Vigilanza Gridspertise – Via Ombrone, 2 – 00198 – Rome (RM), Italy;

  • Direct meeting at the company's headquarters (upon request to be submitted to the Supervisory Board).

The reporting channels are available to all internal stakeholders (Gridspertise personnel) and external stakeholders (including but not limited to partners, clients, suppliers, audit firms, consultants, and collaborators).

While anonymous reports are accepted, named reports are preferred to expedite and enhance the effectiveness of investigations. 

Gridspertise's Supervisory Board, with the possible support of expert consultants or relevant company functions, handles the received reports, ensuring confidentiality throughout the process regarding the existence and content of the report, as well as the identities of the reporting parties (if disclosed) and the reported parties. Measures to protect the whistleblower are also ensured in accordance with legal provisions, and a follow-up process is guaranteed for all reports.

In the exceptional cases provided for by the norm, and to which reference is made (see Article 6 of Legislative Decree 24/2023) so that the reader can take notice, the whistleblower, under his own responsibility, may send their reports to the National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC - Associazione Nazionale Anti Corruzione) through the channels provided on the institutional website. 

As within the whistleblowing management process, personal data is processed in compliance with current regulations (EU Regulation 679/2016 and Legislative Decree 196/2003, as amended by Legislative Decree 101/2018). Please consult the privacy notice for the processing of personal data for further information.

Tax strategy and Gridspertise’s principles
The Gridspertise Group has adopted a tax strategy, as a set of principles and guidelines inspired by values of transparency and legality. The Group’s subsidiaries are required to adopt the tax strategy approved by the parent company, thereby assuming the responsibility of ensuring it is acknowledged and applied.

Gridspertise's Principles
The principles of the tax strategy represent the guidelines for the Group companies, which inspire company operations in the management of the tax variable and require the adoption of suitable processes that guarantee their effectiveness and application.

Tax Strategy

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